Wednesday, November 14, 2012

#LifeWithWife at the drugstore!

Ok, here's the problem. I am obsessed with makeup. I don't just like having makeup, I J'DORE make up! I LIVE for makeup. Well not really, because I love Jesus and all and I also like having my rent paid. But if I could ever just spend all my money on one thing it would be makeup. Let's face it (hahaha, get it? ok bad joke), makeup makes women feel transformed in a way that nothing else really can. Sure you can buy new shoes or a purse (which I also happen to adore by the way and would also love to waste millions of $$ on Coach bags), but there is something about makeup that just makes me feel...goooooodddddddddddd. It's incredible. It's like legal crack. Next to caffeine and coffee.

So a few weeks ago, I was piddling around on YouTube when I stumbled across this channel and I swear to God I almost had a heartattack in the bedroom. This woman (@emilynoel83) is just making videos of makeup...and not just ANY makeup, but DRUGSTORE makeup. Now. I consider myself to be quite the makeup snob. I have all MAC brushes, lipsticks, eye shadows, mascara, the works. I do have a few bareMminerals products that made its way into my collection just because of how much glitter they had. But on the whole? I was a MAC whore. So of course, my snobbish rudeness begins to think "pfft, drug store makeup?? whatever..." Then I'm all, ok now I wanna know what she can do. So watch the video. And then another. And another. AND ANOTHER! Until I've watched her videos for almost 2.full.hours. It was insane. She was SO GOOD! Then I kept finding more and more video's until I finally decided I had had enough of this INSANITY and promptly went to Ulta, Walgreens, and Rite Aid to try this nonsense out for my own judgement. What has resulted??? A love of drugstore makeup. I will say that after wearing high-priced brands on my face as far as foundation and powder it has broken my face out a little bit but not enough to slow me down. And even if I can't wear drug store foundation, I can still wear everything else. And all under a budget! Most of these things are like $3. HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG FOR $3? Well maybe you can, if you get one of those weird Cantina Bowls from Taco Bell (I'm sorry, I'm all for Taco Bell but seriously, I saw someone eat the Cantina Bowl and was just....whatever). Below are some photos I've taken of my new drug store passion. And I'll be doing some more blogging I think on products that are AWESOME and some that are just eh, and some that I think are not so great. Stay posted. This may turn into a beauty channel! ;-) #YouAreBeautiful

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